Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Week 8 : Exercise 1 : Thing 1 - online productiveness

I already use Google Docs, and I think it's great. I use it for documents that I work slowly on, or between different computers at home, work, and elsewhere. I've also started a few spreadsheets that other people can collaborate on, such as a to-do list which we then tick off as we complete tasks.

Website, Lifehacker did a survey on the choice between the two, which is interesting: (ignore the strange bar graphs - they look fine in the editor, but come out weird - it's some problem with copying the images.)

Google Apps or Zoho Suite?
Zo-who? Google all the way.

 17.8% (273 votes)
Zoho. I don't trust our Gevil Overlords.

 4.0% (61 votes)
Google, because I'm lazy and already had a Google account.

 42.4% (649 votes)
Zoho, because I tried both and it's better.

 18.2% (279 votes)
Google, because I tried both and it's better.

 8.5% (130 votes)

 9.0% (138 votes)

From 1530 votes, it seems that most people choose Google Docs, since they've already got a Gmail account (that's me), but those who have tried them both have found that Zoho is the better choice.

See the original survey here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work on your blog so far! :)