Monday, October 22, 2007

Week 5 : Exercise 3 : Thing 1 - ROLLYO

Just like with the LibraryThing exercise, when I got to this site I couldn't think of any searches that I'd like to do. After a lot of thinking, and exploring, I came up with a few to create.


I visit these sites often, both as a way of discovering new posts/sites, and to search for info on applications, or web-apps. (I actually did a search for ROLLYO on Lifehacker first). So far I've created this search-bar, and added it to my blog. I think the most use I'll get from it will be by adding it to my Firefox searchbar. The search-box is to the right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done exploring Rollyo :) And figuring out how to add it to your blog too :)