Monday, September 17, 2007

Week 3 : Exercise 3 : Thing 1 - reCAPTCHA

Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans ApartCAPTCHA's are the images that we're presented with whenever we want to join a mailing list, sign up to a web-service, or make a comment on a web-site. The image has a line of warped letters and numbers that an automated computer program can't read, but real humans can. In this way, the CAPTCHA prevents (more) spam being posted and proliferated around the net. Every day 150,000 hours are spent around the world, typing in these codes.

reCAPTCHA is a service that utilizes all of these man-hours and directs them into another problem - reading books!

Books written before the digital age are constantly in the process of being digitized. Unfortunately, the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) of computers isn't always quite up to the task.
By using those portions of text that OCR can't read, reCAPTCHA provides warped words from old books, asking the user to decode it - essentially performing the task of a human digitizer and means that all of those hours we spend putting in meaningless words doesn't go to waste.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well there ya go, I thought it was just another annoying box you had to enter information into...thanks for the insight.